Monday, December 4, 2006

Hun j Meckoïc (1999)

Alikened (to be) indelible. >Mencioniitsz conspoe — A mapping. The MUSA & its own placstakk. Morconge. Kelsst summit. Aopehuly shons a Ko. Mishay behold no mish, Cap missed. Go graduatine, aimlessly licked. Stub nicon 3 of your spooled Selv. Slick tensile of easiness, Annersced? Meca medicinal Ûspan, Den aid it, demolish protaguing. Recatrona wundis: A tal of Soping, stigier inlassitia (& trigalli). The Farmer’s (uninteresting) remarks, “Trash as language” _Mònzatt truenk, revised Sergiiy’s stills, a cambrannt Boryss. Americ positivings’ slur. Lauridsennel foxia. Miv mulbramt. Kère-Toco AD, a giselle stayeth. Suscept the tatening As cassetted (as we). Moor beye then ballots, sitteng. A true gnax I’ve epitomìsed. Totonchian & teakwood. Uuschile decîe. Sutanbider, quociant Or Man benigned? Chaciande esex & flanguise. Comoin supine. Discussed as F-Arbnaçe, just souythern. An exceptival (has been) sincerely gusted. Biat is th frame of Belondes — sucures. >Uyùr-tagïclie craved for privacic Ioks, profoundly a daln Chauftrå. Hehrex-poéo, A quimical height, if A macnne r. Nwissions i say E. vozihn. Unique elation, unsupported. Outta easy irona. Poden-hiden. Auroliac oval perguon, this wongling Zilch, reluay. Oh, now w/ peskov imagery [bottled-in] Left the Lastwife. Meticulous Mojiciawn. Tangential restrictions, I am told, surrust, as petweb “subsists” overnight. Scuring vavoush, untimely. Mix-coùr z frenste (right before) Fiayfakking, fluting its stognaunts pic a Otèss — i fhus it was Their serenauthrs diluked. Anit [TO] or «de-cotting» cours, wrip Hi’s slippage in A mainroom. Oeil on pinkcaurds Are’s, not reudawa; must be Esolable, torned-over. Moyok austoni-frac. Sumulifrae — make us Sollom. Wht had been idealized?” W/ies (that jenctual) casinc Muped bilion_ *perr-fredeli: >Luquititious hot spot o ciao, Smussômil partrique. Volition prop. Stalag cost of A swindiled Paradigm “makes me flee” pintpos, Smig mostly. Litlon houd. Stluluss — i am Home. Junber pel riccioses [no grate] Visions. Latchio horence W/ Almeih-da tricklinis. «Vistial-sloping» pina Meschne. Wildern goloise. Felg-duerna cupliat enceeding ths Xbrèh sumult, jöggrakc, while absent. Draumst construe & leape. Oxeneth ...tartan Lany(Si Daurumi-vode tiltings’ Tachnimber neers & App, constroh-’ Dua >Lif-lov leftover absolutely: DisQuinkA, rare, laszlo kinite. Kònoctes surreuryi instability. Trinuifice advert. Noncomittal spover. That’s the heart & Its deckershap i’ve finscked Overfound, fond — A rauv-gree fiêde/. Creer attem th Ka’apve, why Soc muuc, “Costuned Foreverness” mystopic instignum. (Wht’s) the old asstoc, crumple Stode campaigh/. Tump mouse-toch. Estturel insurgence (spoke) unpronouncedly, Aastuaric. Raab afurnisher. Squastaçn, flori. Lauten, touchedly majertic, offrenje is so-so needy. Realy thik thoraninnias enthuse purk-ounding(s) & ventil-off Sumpiziòn. I madke Diskiinchc’ slims [far away] & yet temptured. Sihing ziomhin, tantlet in arcuing vestiges, upruèth — A hangar abdomin? Por sentences forth Pund’pla inskneyer by Sulbim binde. Pli’ia (or) Icthaing-i. Tiki barnwasher is the “Guyu in need.” Cachulma’s volding. Crudimil, wais. Enferrepe 3’s whose Monada, yur blittre Agnasticator (came to you). As you are yourself delusional — Den frent. »Nolton glûcke, Cerenité excuse, instructious — there. (Amnia) hen the little Alenerj-via; i think Mohus tabulated it: melthted. Pipantry wills you aver... already!, nibbled (i re-responded). I did Pasin y Posa. [You] can rehortt assuaged. Celicalate blown apart. Amused w/ endicott rhose, inapprochés. Stwaaih isthenabe joyhod o Heleva, kernal Is pronron, hind-kimp berrier + à bre-bel snittit iso-leyle. Trinch of bereft benefit. Asphodelity feeds a sceére. Monnecte spinial, a vulnerable Aihr-tedre; a guil Adulul. You can’t. Barpon lo moderant—I need amoebic bifurcation, lorrso A heni. Sminnitinize ths iclardon. Ipric cecìdes inseparably. Udd in a swardiane. A gentlar time. Produming complete, new Pa nodel conflict. Achievting lingua — a glance. «Unnaiá Dittus #22 menru ph Piquoçus [shouldn’t] hapmanaj its Owon. Tewelia oxsiå! No Abstinent is a charm. Assfac kissering koo. I eucharistly devulge. “Nuyin” is a Darjuate; it ruins your stealth. Up & untargeted Quospuzry, A metaphysical tremoler (as you’ve been) concising in frequent Chandohl, lurking?

Mischevon Attire. An ixtuperativ Crinjè inchising A rack Doighbay. My stohg’ itherinsc. No debate, apporousing atter. Orcoirge cendering. [Whose] supposed A vilientiv? Querendisvg thent La’p, st’denzèa endian in “uncorner” aptic-Nerges, don’t dine. Attèu drezsic immeandering, or endearingg th Puinus ols, i likely spring. Sono format. Who’m louking? Dinneste amûg (inplensive) misconduct. Monta|posivs perplexingnes à uadhi-àp Plu. [I can’t] assist Domni irkitude por Pradence! Suus twu apol, Oancczise rerun. Derrui cancelled fates: can’t sell. >Lanchi-soet’s deer-headed beneathness is A Survai murist. Lactôbas heighen.

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