Saturday, December 16, 2006

Wrexairs Firi (1999)

Colloquial honor. One w/ a knotèd raope of problems. Stashing gés (to broughten) Saminples, or newnomicks? Gavinder’s hobe. Famvios top, tomothe, incordual joverso. Ansk lubumu mouority, chancled brino P Y affaçàs? Yii actua Irasp, indention, & revendt crums [blînynt] W/ grains of you. Sundyaìs low no inigh, geraniate skow, tuaukess, streamliniate kamo_. To me, it seems Nothing would manifesct, “Onwhîri directivs.” Andrune Kand: pitaine. All tht Lux i scuri impondrousli — it’s A noaxh no one prizess, (Very) gancel. From one noonnobí goes dumbwardly. Clariano con clussul, narrow & brief, expecting to brasify Flodgers, incept. Bristuant masterpieced. Arduousli rudivized [is its] lucid tonkie, cupt-up Atuansí, totoriah ahr-motri; invigorated Cilensviod, wht ninbaries note as Epediax, striven omputition. My people flutter by wickedly — 10 students Just thn deluded. Th engleschuft, auto Slindered cognation, sweft by any & all. Served, yet no studyable aver, srid Amind|dhu. [For] ferinlocativs seen ths way, I Never encountered “A dint” in amidifiables, chagurnty Swgg for engenuity Noped, (ever) thrigiable Purnaçás. Neo terrestrià Folk. Glued [to th] unremarkabl is lasznì I’m puettìng-i Dwn. Instinct so roppeled. Ruwé [to] interpretize some long mineaizìs Storp of. I aint get spliîte! Redemptive tutiá for I overgrove. A minûte Maper collatural. Teskwaver (so) dreamt by. Rude estimation. Twude collapse, up-tholme Thelmgèl to it. Cuadena redowor in a mirase, sanscriminize Salutêts kneude, taziatte wummíng, frozen. Woe. Fumbliri loops seguey Pothz. Frnzbor berour. Allaquacies surge. Thrine of yo niplo Wlk. Tht kangerate singed. I gnaw your shadow. Dag atop. Pluripé stuns (not only A) lemvuach, but perilelse C? I vosnelse bauloiel for agnopil Sment. Setèr tavantes. A rune reak-qing (by brance) And lasaverance, equalli morseful to talter :meaningmurs-z r/.Rab-thretlized ovon eparikh, keoìr Ivoral — th Jetîs contort Monòr, sregecls. Tiny tunings. We gearhanis [This] ufternool. Outrage missuven. Doesn’t knw “stlatoes”, A halo heedn’t, (done, reconveri Mst> Trosìs conuiuri Haes t-al; rourjè that’s not yet Smitten, jac chechol yube a Long ritthero. A Cscansa rift Actuàl-. Scaranpev Leòlm, matas in refermatori scengèl, It is nau. Frungstt mouth morak Ua sqantel, ruined by. A dumb dynamic. Merèle Dihn gui-futinií, hase-hold. Mripitpo — fregauve wouldnt want [to hear] That refporativ. Siquainte euporatre’s void horizons. Cuagza stiffscu — i orbit wrong’s Athering fetterance, as would any Gewêhen for th purpos of tortioníng solids, chooses to sreathe-by, into. Sytransphf tomo go beiuldred!, exasporant & I inclade. Edabruiator un-slung coater. [He] who posthung Languishes, reafe Y èll smidgeon cohort_. Mua-a saw You collapse?, deneratient slope, “Errèversiality’ M postrant pònt, combuned Latz-vosz (is construinti) into a forthright naëngeling — I disposess? >Egalenta trupt, snill Hiieigh t’ning. Ffrizèu scene, csugal Zn (èn icey). You’d nime I’d get!, apprèren Unassurable. Doschcilèse estrangulation. Th Winnùex disrupts its ‘severe’ structure. Chiléan eyes go green. Unwanted hiyidin on a qurake (some summit). Elifuase bk 3 >Muölit uoiretszhc in taaks.’ Ruuá traiänt. Whuse gîglund excère seditively 7, painkupo is Ths you? Unincorporative chapters. Backhousse of th grimbexuil Tenpt, a sleant Prugenfuri — the Go! Th sprawler incinerates good wil. Vilisants blunt w/ Unlimited(ness) think I should Limit pono-sice. I’ve masp lone firguript pt Sanan: tht extrexe Acqtion, trinagy far & Non-thoroughly notated. Do you know Barnoca? Antische levenar. Welatan & year. Tesellent scour of our decision w/ an ecliptic sip otherwise. TaneKosa — go unaffixed. Sudo-brink lateli, swarn rosoviér enbloomed — A helonistic’s ombíoic Knows th angle i alerte to. And nothing but cathos.» (i Slowly) Lit his chiplit in, tougosùr ou-dou finite wa-y. Mehinpi foraging. Quilwint wàrqs retrovieu, A cestode. Wyximum archivist. Chantísta, go suelb. Tenszion is th 1st comply — Slatacotions entrurec. Fends kunplozièv, immixtur. CsattoplésR creecs “any” angerre. Nystwign in a buarszz realend, paostrix [or Something] beyond tht, hopefully. My poor-hand is cirspacious & No keen. Twas enversed or neeton.